Living lab and cocreation

Cocreatie in glastuinbouw

Inagro, as a research center, has been building up experience, since its foundation in 1956, in constructing research projects in close cooperation with  farmers and other stakeholders.

In this way, we make sure that research topics are relevant to the market and are economical feasible. Projects at Inagro are demand driven. Hence, most of the projects have steering committees in which we always strive to have stakeholders from all over the value chain.

Within our 2 living labs, we use dedicated methodologies, such as brainstorms, co-creation sessions, learning networks and workshops, to bring research based on co-creation with end-users to a next level. Additionally, the infrastructure allows interested third parties to experiment on a real-life scale. 

Our living labs ‘Circular Economy’ as well as ‘Agrotopia’ are both member of the ENoLL-network.

ENoLL logo

Living Lab Circular Economy

Earth has limited natural resources which can be put to use, to avoid overexploiting and degeneration. A circular approach is mandatory to deal with these resources in the best possible way. 

The common denominator of our living lab Circular Economy is agriculture. Primary production can play a key role in the development of local circular business concepts. Agriculture can be producer, intermediate and/or end-user of dedicated circular resources. The living lab focuses on closing cycles for 4 principal resources: water, biomass, nutrients and energy.

visualisatie living lab circulaire economie

Inagro has invested in research infrastructure which can be used to develop and test circular business concepts, ao:

  • Biogas installation
  • Raceway pond
  • Composting installation
  • Growing chambers (plants/mushrooms)
  • Insect & fish breeding facilities
  • Precision fertilizer
  • Greenhouse (with hydroponics)
  • Multilayer growing container
  • Fermentation vessels
  • Rain shelters for irrigation experiments under controlled conditions

This infrastructure allows to co-create, develop, validate and demonstrate innovative solutions for circular economy. The development of new products, tools, processes procedures, … is done in the LLC, following the principles of co-creation.

Contact point Living Lab Circular Economy

Reindert Devlamynck
051 14 03 36

Living Lab Agrotopia

To stimulate sustainable urban and greenhouse horticulture, further developments are required in using residual streams (heat, water and CO2), recycling of resources, automatisation, climatisation and maximizing use of available space and energy efficiency.

The living lab ‘Agrotopia’ is supported by the 9000 m² Agrotopia rooftop research greenhouse on top of the agricultural market in Roeselare. 6000 m² cultivation area, a compartment for multilayer indoor growing with artificial lighting and a 12 m high vertical compartment allows to co-create, develop, validate and demonstrate innovative best practices for vegetable hydroponic systems.

Themabeeld Agrotopia

Agrotopia’s location, at the agricultural auction market, where growers and buyers meet on a daily basis, offers a unique opportunity towards interactions. It allows researchers, growers, technology providers, knowledge institutions, educators and society to meet, collaborate and co-create.

To further stimulate this multidisciplinary approach, Agrotopia provides a unique platform to the Ghent University Agrotopia endowed chair and the greenhouse is open to the growers and general public. The Agrotopia Living Lab delivers the services to realize co-creation in this unique setting.

Contact point Living Lab Agrotopia

Katrien De Dauw
051 14 03 17