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B2B services

Inagro is an experienced research partner for technology suppliers in agriculture and horticulture.

Commissioned by companies, we test and validate new varieties, plant protection products, fertilizers and plant strengthening agents as well as sensors and other technologies.

We provide services in demonstration of new products and technologies towards the target audience. In particular in our living labs, we can involve end-users in product development.

Standard operating procedures, embedded in our Good Experimental Practices Quality System ensures well performed and documented research, customized to the needs of the client. We guarantee confidentiality of research results.

  • Partner for plant protection industry

    Inagro performs all aspects of testing the selectivity and efficacy of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, nematicides and plant growth regulators.

  • High standards in quality

    An independent quality assurance unit guarantees that our working methodologies meet the standards set by GEP/EPPO, ISO 14001 and ISO 17025 at any time.