Strong agrifood region
Agrifood is a big business in West Flanders
Taking a drive through West Flanders, it quickly becomes clear that agriculture and horticulture are a big deal in this Flemish province. More than half of all pigs, one third of all cattle and chickens, half of all potatoes and two thirds of all vegetables grown outdoors in the Flemish region come from the province of West Flanders.
Agriculture and horticulture make up one of the most important economic sectors in West Flanders. The province has about 8,000 farms, which is 35% of all the farms in the Flemish region. 200,000 hectares – 63% of the province’s total surface area – is used for agriculture and horticulture.
The supply and processing industries account for thousands of jobs and has a considerable economic interest in the province. The Roeselare area is often referred to as the vegetable garden of Europe. REO Veiling in Roeselare is the second largest fruit and vegetable auction in Flanders and a driving force behind the area’s cultivation of vegetables. One third of all frozen vegetables sold in Europe comes from this region.
This region’s network of companies and knowledge institutions makes West Flanders fertile soil for innovative entrepreneurship. With its expertise in primary production, Inagro plays a major role in this local flourishing ‘food ecosystem’.
Greet Ghekiere, R&D manager