Applied Research and Development

Mechanische onkruidbestrijding

The core business of Inagro is to perform applied research and to transfer knowledge to the stakeholders within the agrofood chain through communicationdemonstration and consultancy.

Inagro seeks to improve sustainability of local food production systems and to detect new opportunities for farmer businesses. As such, Inagro is a key actor within the regional and international Agriculture Innovation and Knowledge System (AKIS).

In order to stay competitive on the global market, innovation and technical progress are vital in the agricultural sector. Inagro is an important driving force in that respect. 

In our search for sustainable solutions, we focus on

  • profitability
  • the environment
  • the society as a whole

Ambitious projects result in innovations for the future and inspire the entire sector.

Some examples of this are

  • insect farming
  • aquaculture
  • hydroponics leek cultivation
  • smart farming


The broad agricultural and horticultural sector – going from supplier to producer to customer – therefore relies on Inagro for research and advice. Its practice-based research is based on a solid scientific foundation and interaction with the growers. Researchers and advisors stand among the farmers with both feet on the ground, because the final goal is to offer farmers the right advice, meaningful services and useful solutions.

Research, a valuable breeding ground

Inagro carries out more than 400 different tests each year on no less than seventy crops and animal species. The research in outdoor crops focuses on horticultural, arable and forage crops in both conventional and organic cultivation systems. In greenhouses, the focus is on leafy plants (e.g. lettuce an spinach) and fruiting vegetables (e.g. tomatoes and cucumbers). More and more of that research now focuses on crops growing in hydroponic systems. Inagro grows strawberries on racks and in greenhouses. In intensive livestock farming (dairy, pigs) we conduct applied on farm research.

Some of the most common research themes are the choice of varieties, cultivation techniques and crop protection. During past decennia, we gradually added new areas of research, such as water, soil, energy, organic farming and the environment. We are working on smart farming and diversification. Business development and agricultural education are also high on the agenda.

blik op de groeikamer
  • Extensive, specialised facilities

    Inagro has the facilities for research, validation and demonstration in real-life environment in a wide range of crops in conventional, organic as well as in agro-ecological farming systems.

  • B2B services

    Inagro is an experienced research partner for technology suppliers in agriculture and horticulture.