Inagro's greenhouse infrastructure consists of 2 locations:
At the main Inagro site in Beitem, we have 4000 m2 of conventional greenhouse infrastructure for research on several topics such as soil-based cultivation of leafy vegetables, cultivation gutters for strawberry and more.
AGROTOPIA is the name of our impressive rooftop greenhouse for hydroculture research on leafy and fruit vegetables. Agrotopia spans a total of 6000 m2 of growing space, divided into 13 compartments. Inaugurated in 2021, the greenhouse comprises all relevant hydroculture cultivation techniques ranging from DFT, NFT, MGS, ebb and flow tables and cultivation gutters to demonstration trials of cutting-edge innovations. Next to these, Agrotopia also contains 2 façade greenhouse compartments of 12m column height and a closed vertical farming unit.
Agrotopia is a platform where all horticultural stakeholders meet. Growers, research centers, technology providers and innovators are welcome to visit, demonstrate, display and discuss.
Collaborating or partnering with Agrotopia
If you are interested in exploring possibilities for collaborating or partnering with Agrotopia as a research partner or innovation exhibition hub, please don't hesitate to contact our business developer Katrien:
Katrien De Dauw
Business developer
+32 (0)487 92 34 37
Companies and organisations who would like to visit Agrotopia are welcome to contact Katrien or fill out the application form.
Please be aware that possibilities for English spoken visits are limited to professionals.