Kruimelpad Home Onze lopende projecten Onze lopende projecten Verfijn Facet Project key themes Interreg North-West Europe 21-27 Andere Vlaamse programma's Demoprojecten landbouw & visserij EIP Operationele groepen FOD (volksgezondheid) (-) Horizon 2020 Horizon Europe Horizon - Erasmus+ Interreg Frankrijk - Wallonië - Vlaanderen Interreg Vlaanderen - Nederland (SUT) Leader Midden West-Vlaanderen Leader Westhoek LIFE PDPO Projecten relance 2021 Provinciale opdrachten Vlaamse programma's VLAIO-LA Facet Project types Bodem en Bemesting Facet Project themes Aardbeien (-) Akkerbouw Biologische productie Facet Project Sectors Toon afgelopen projecten 2021 2025 SOILGUARD SOILGUARD envisages a future where the conservation of soil biodiversity and the environmental, economic and social wellbeing is guaranteed. Lees meer
2021 2025 SOILGUARD SOILGUARD envisages a future where the conservation of soil biodiversity and the environmental, economic and social wellbeing is guaranteed. Lees meer