Vertihydro - a Vertical Cultivation System

Project info
Project info
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In 2021 Inagro opened Agrotopia, a 9000 m² rooftop greenhouse. Located in the city of Roeselare, Agrotopia is Europe’s largest public building for urban food production and is used to both do research on innovations for greenhouse vegetable cultivation and educate the public about agriculture. Development of future proofed cultivation techniques such as hydroponics and vertical farming is a key pillar of research at Agrotopia.
The unique façade greenhouse, visible from the motorway, has a height of 12 m. Here, a vertical cultivation system will be built to explore vertical farming in the greenhouse, as such maximizing the cultivation area on a limited ground surface while taking advantage of the natural light.
What are we looking for?
We are searching to build a vertical cultivation system up to 10 m in which the natural sunlight will be used to its maximum to grow crops such as leafy vegetables, herbs, strawberry or young tomato and cucumber plants.
The vertical system will be used for research, co-creation and demonstration to all relevant stakeholders. It will be used as pilot plant for further development and implementation of vertical cultivation systems in West-Europe. Supported by PIP, the Programme for Innovation Procurement of the Flemish Government (, a procedure will be launched in which (a consortium of) companies are invited to submit concept designs. Based on these concept designs, two companies will receive funding (€ 30.000) to develop a detailed design on the basis of which the best overall design will be selected. The winning company will be commissioned to build the system.
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Programma Innovatieve Overheidsopdrachten (PIO)